Оригінальна назва: Hearthstone: Innkeepers Tavern Cookbook
Бренд: Blizzard Entertainment
Жанр: Дозвілля та Хобі (Fiction / Fantasy / Epic)
Палітурка: тверда HardcoverРозмір: 22.5 * 15 см
Мова англійська
Рік виходу до: 2017
Кількість сторінок: 112
Sheathe your sword, draw your cards, and summon more than 50 delicious bites and cocktails inspired by Blizzard Entertainment's smash-hit digital card game.
From the best-selling author ofWorld of Warcraft: The Official Cookbook andA Feast of Ice and Fire: The Official Game of Thrones Companion Cookbook comes a new collection of delicious recipes.
With theInnkeeper's Tavern Cookbook, Fans will unlockHearthstone-inspired eats, cocktails, and mocktails. A replica of Harth Stonebrew's own private cookbook, this delightful guide contains more than fifty all-new recipes perfect for any Fireside Gathering or game night, from Sarge's Easy Mac & Cheese to Medivh's favorite martini-and, of course, funnel cake. Complete with mouthwatering color photos and Harth's personal notations, recipe modifications, and reflections, theInnkeeper's Tavern Cookbookbrings the world ofHearthstone to life like never before.Hearthstone is a fast-paced digital card game where players sling spells, summon minions, and command powerful heroes in duels of epic strategy. Featuring familiar characters from the Warcraft® universe,Hearthstonehas won over legions of fans with its humor and deceptively simple gameplay.Вік: 3 Упаковка: оригінальний бокс Матеріал: папір Обкладинка: твердий Рік випуску: 2017 Обкладинка: твердий Гарантія: 14 днів вендор: Blizzard GTIN: 9781683831426 Для кого: Для дитини, Для неї, Для нього, колезі, подрузі, дочці, синові, другу Розмір: 22 см - Відгуків ще немає...Залишити перший коментар!
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