Матеріал: тканина, pvc
Висота: 32 см
Вага - 0.50 kg
Виробник: Mattel
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- Fans and collectors alike will love recreating their favorite storylines from the films and imagining their own
- Hermione doll's outfit is based on the signature Hogwarts uniform, with a Gryffindor robe and personalized wand that fans can use to help the young witch cast spells and charms
- Fun details, like the Gryffindor emblem on her robe, make Hermione doll look just like her character in the celebrated Harry Potter film series
- Hermione doll has eleven "joints" That allow for limitless posing possibilities and action storytelling on her Quest to help Harry defeat Lord Voldemort
- Harry Potter and his friends are better together! Young fans can collect each of their favorite characters for even more fun and expanded play
Гарантія: 14 днів Упаковка: оригінальний бокс Для кого: Для дитини, Для неї, Для нього, колезі, подрузі, дочці, синові, другу вендор: Mattel Розмір: 32 см Матеріал: пластик, тканина Вік: 3 - Відгуків ще немає...Залишити перший коментар!
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